Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Some paintings...

This work is a masterpiece, at least in my opinion. I would be glad if you could comment on it.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Panoramic view of Volos by iPhone 5s

Today I would like to share a panoramic view of the city seen from the sea which is taken by an iPhone.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Flood in the office

I am not sure if it is correct to call that disaster a flood, for the only thing which was hit in the city was the interior part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Last Thursday, suddenly a rain storm started in mid afternoon, and the water started to enter the building from the roof, but not from the ground. The consequence is seen in the photo:

All the undergrad and grad students where sweeping the ground to wipe the water. Till here I do not care, what is making it so memorable is what happened to my office:

you can see that the roof tiles have fallen down and the glass fibers are exposed.

Name day of Costas and Eleni

A couple of weeks ago here in Greece it was the name day for people called Eleni or Costas. The friend or maybe boyfriend of the dragon lady (which calls herself Yanna) and his daughter are Costas and Eleni, last weekend I was invited to join them celebrating this anniversary. I feel sort of a circus animal here, as dragon lady despite her negative feelings to me takes me here and there to show me to her relatives. By the way, I enjoyed a lot; the weather was really nice, the sort of weather that increases the desire... Far from us, there were the people who took sun bath in rather cheap resort there.

Eleni is a pretty woman, and his husband is a wise guy. I found them a nice couple, it was not strange as Costas is a nice person himself.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Perhaps, the most mischievous, insidious and at the same time tempting instincts is the tendency and leaning to survival. No matter how I fought it in one place, in the end it popped out from another hole in my mind, and the desire to write is the last form of it, I guess.
Now it has become almost few years that I would like to start writing down some notes, I always postponed it since there is no immediate pleasure in it, plus it is totally useless. However, for I do not have more amusing things to do since I moved here it is going to happen...
The main trigger was my birthday anniversary. It was Saturday morning, I opened the lid of the laptop and directly went to check for messages. I had one email from Kevin, he wrote following the cheerfulness of the last year, he has had a bad time by new year and even Alex had committed suicide, but that beast did not do anything correctly and did not die...