Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Perhaps, the most mischievous, insidious and at the same time tempting instincts is the tendency and leaning to survival. No matter how I fought it in one place, in the end it popped out from another hole in my mind, and the desire to write is the last form of it, I guess.
Now it has become almost few years that I would like to start writing down some notes, I always postponed it since there is no immediate pleasure in it, plus it is totally useless. However, for I do not have more amusing things to do since I moved here it is going to happen...
The main trigger was my birthday anniversary. It was Saturday morning, I opened the lid of the laptop and directly went to check for messages. I had one email from Kevin, he wrote following the cheerfulness of the last year, he has had a bad time by new year and even Alex had committed suicide, but that beast did not do anything correctly and did not die...